Every new player to POLL is required to submit a birth certificate and proof of residency document (drivers license, tax receipt, utility bill, etc.), dated or in force between February 1, 2024 and February 1, 2025, which will remain on file. We provide several ways to submit this information:
- They can be uploaded during the registration process.
- They can be mailed to Post Oak Little League, 1415 South Voss Road, Suite 110/Box 391, Houston, TX 77057.
- They can be emailed to [email protected].
Both documents must be received prior to skills assessments.
POLL requires that at least one parent of each 8 year old Pee Wee player and at least one parent of any family new to POLL complete a “Positive Coaching Alliance” (PCA) workshop in order to be eligible for the draft. This must be completed for your 8 year old Pee Wee or your new player to POLL to participate in the skills assessment. This class will be offered via zoom
All players who do not live in the POLL boundaries, but attend school within the boundaries are required to submit proof of school attendance. School attendance shall be established and supported by a document indicating enrollment for the current academic year, dated prior to December 31, 2023 and with the physical location of the school, from ONE of the following categories to determine school attendance by such player.
1. Official/Certified School enrollment record.
2. School issued report card or performance record.
3. A Little League issued school form completed by the principal, assistant principal or administrator.
Please note the following schools ARE NOT within the POLL boundaries and are ineligible as a "school attendance" to be considered to play at POLL. Some of these schools include but are not limited to: AOS, Awty, Frostwood, The Joy School, Lanier Middle School, Holy Spirit, St. Francis Episcopal School, River Oaks Elementary, Regis, and Western.